Welcome To Oil Scrubber


About Oil Scrubber™

Pioneering Oil Analysis and Filtration for Elevators

Hal Gorman, the President of Gorman Company Incorporated, saw an untapped need for oil condition monitoring in hydraulic elevators some 20 years ago, unfortunately , he was ahead of his time. Few people truly understood the impact that oil cleanliness had on the reliability and longevity of the elevator equipment; the oil was either ignored or replaced in a run to failure approach.


Houston, We can see the problem!

Oil Scrubber™ provides services to keep your oil clean!The Original Concept of a field kit for the mechanics to test the oil was not well received: building owners were incredulous of their Service Company testing and recommending an expensive oil replacement.  So, Gorman Company tested and provided the independent report to the Building Owner and Service Company.  Oil Analysis had arrived and was now the justification for replacing the oil. The problem was, oil condition was monitored, but there was not a solution to the problem. 


We Have a Solution.

Offline Filtration "Scrubbing" the oil is a common practice in other industries, but was not practiced in the elevator industry. At best, a transfer cart was used for an hour or two with marginal results. JFI was formed to bring real oil filtration, Scrubbing" to the Elevator Industry.

Due to the large volume of oil required by hydraulic elevators, inline filtration was not possible, the system had to incorporate offline filtration, but not limited to the low efficiency beta rated filters used on transfer carts.  The Depth Filtration used in the JFI Scrubber, is 98.6% efficient filtering down to 3 microns and removing water without clogging the filter.  Varnish removal is also achieved with this High Efficiency machine. 


Don't Dispose of the Oil, Clean It!

Theory and Practice of Lubrication for Engineers, 2nd edition P590-591:

Oil like any mineral cannot wear out. Oil becomes dirty and contaminated, but like copper, iron or silver, when they are reprocessed they are as good as new.


On Site Oil Analysis Training

Do you want additional training for your Service Personel and Sales Teams? We will come to your facility. 

For more information and to schedule training please contact Oil Scrubber.

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